> 春节2024 > 过年都达成目标了吗英语





The coming of the New Year makes me full of excitement. It signifies the culmination of a year-long anticipation.


Spring Festival is not only a joyful celebration but also a time when we can receive lucky money, also known as \"利是\" in Chinese tradition.


Whether to use \"in\" or \"on\" for Spring Festival in English can be confusing. But fear not, I\'ll guide you through it! \"On\" is generally used when referring to a specific date, such as \"on January 1st\". On the other hand, \"in\" is used when referring to a period of time, season, or event, such as \"in spring\" or \"in the holiday season\". Therefore, we say \"in Spring Festival\" to indicate the festive season of Chinese New Year.

【今年春节是什么时候 用英语怎么说】

If you\'re wondering when is Spring Festival this year and how to say it in English, you can ask \"When is Spring Festival this year?\" or \"When is the Spring Festival of this year?\"


During the Chinese Spring Festival holidays, people tend to return home to celebrate with their families. As a result, the streets become less crowded, creating a peaceful atmosphere for various activities, such as the Lantern Festival and fireworks.


The translations of the following holidays in English are: \"New Year\'s Day\", \"The Spring Festival\", \"Teachers\' Day\", \"Women\'s Day\", \"Children\'s Day\", \"Labour Day\", and so on.


The correct phrase is \"in the new year\". Since \"year\" is countable, it requires the definite article \"the\" to specify a particular year.

【春节的日期用英语怎么? - Tony-墨阳老师 的回答】

The translation of \"春节的日期\" in English is \"The date of the Spring Festival\" or \"the date of Spring Festival\".


Starting tomorrow, I will be on holiday until February 1st when I go back to work. Here, I take the opportunity to wish you a joyful Spring Festival and extend my support.


The term \"春节\" can be translated as \"Spring Festival\" in English. You can choose to include or exclude \"the\" depending on the sentence structure. For example, \"We celebrate Spring Festival with family\" or \"We celebrate the Spring Festival with family\".